January 28, 2012


   Bertrand Russell wrote a very interesting article that spoke on mainly what are the degree or type of happiness. From his point of view in the article there are 2 sorts of happiness in this world. On one sort of happiness is the one that is open to any human being. According to Bertrand Russell, these sort of happiness does not need for intellectual sources to depend on. For an example that the author gave, his gardener was actually happy hunting down rabbits that damages his garden. Other people will sees the rabbit hunting as a not enjoyable thing yet to him it is something that makes him happy. The happiness that is open to any human being are not based on natural laws belief, any sorts of fad, fashion and creeds that intellectual people needs to obtain happiness in their life.

  The other sort of happiness that Bertrand Russell proposed was the sort that only for those who possess writing skill or reading skill or both. This sort of happiness was mainly for the science person or artiste during his time. But he stresses that during his time, the science people was the happiest upon his observation as these science people are made of simpler emotions compared to the artiste who are much more complex in range of emotions. As he explain in his article, the science people are easily derived by their work. So they are able to eat happily or even get married. For the artiste it is a different story as these sort of people tends to have complex thinking in life such as they are bound to think they need to be unhappy in marriage. Not only that, if a single person said they are not able to understand their paintings, poem or any sort of artwork, they will think that their work is not good enough or it is a bad product instead of the scientist way of thinking it that the person simply does not have the sufficient knowledge to understand their work.  

That is my comment upon reading this interesting article of 'The degree of happiness". Thank you for reading..  

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