January 28, 2012

All The cool kids are quitting FACEBOOK!!!

Facebook has become an essential thing in the society. Does everyone have an account with facebook?? I did  before but after reading this article from Jenna Wortham, i soon came to realize what she was saying and deactivated mine. Want to know why? Let me summarize what she is trying to convey.

According to her writing, the Facebook main selling point is that they keep and build ties among close friends and colleagues. This is for those who uses Facebook but for those who are not using it Making them feel like alienated. People feels like they are connected just through looking at the photos, status update and stop calling out each other.
According to Jenna, many of them who stopped using Facebook are actually concerns about their privacy. It is a boil down to trust issues said the people who studied social networking. In her writing as well, she brings out the research of Amanda Lenhart who do a research on teens, children and families at Pew Internet and American Life Project . It showed results that people on Facebook are tend to have a general sense of trust towards others and in institutions. People who are not on Facebook are actually afraid of what that is going to happen in the future when they are too trusting in others.
 The executives of Facebook are also expect not everyone's going to sign-up on Facebook but instead they are working quite hard on keeping the current user to stay on the site longer as that is the only way they are able to show ads and gain profits.
That is the reason i quit using Facebook and it makes sense isn't it ?

Don't worry Facebook You won't be missed. 
There will be something better to replace you.

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